Year 1
Mrs Beirne & Mrs Smart
Art and Design –
- As artists we will:
- Mix paints to a thick or thin consistency.
- Use an ‘artist’s rag’
- Apply paint using selected brush strokes. And apply paint using a single direction brush stroke.
- Mix colours by adding small amounts of white changing the colour from dark to light.
Computing – We will:
- To learn about what a simple algorithm is and to identify if there is an error in it and how to fix it.
- Children will be able to read code one line at a time.
- To independently log on and save their work in the class folder.
- Find and retrieve their saved work.
- Children are able to sort, collate, edit and store simple digital
Design Technology –
- As designers we will:
- Be able to evaluate our/peers work stating what we like and dislike.
- Use a variety of equipment.
- Use a range of materials.
- Evaluate our product against criteria.
English – As writers and communicators we will:
- Say correct sound to graphemes for all 40+ phonemes,
- Verbally rehearse sentences
- Include full stops, capital letters, finger spaces
- Use the conjunction and to join words and clauses
- Listen to stories about different experiences and non-fiction texts.
- To be able to ask and punctuate questions accurately.
- Form letter families correctly.
Geography – As geographers we will:
- Learn about the local area focusing on the school setting
- Developing basic geographical language to refer to key physical and human features.
- Identify a variety of symbols on a map.
- Follow a map of the school to find a given location.
History - As historians we will:
- Sequence events on a timeline for Queen
Elizabeth II.
- Find answers to simple questions about the past from research.
Mathematics – As mathematicians we will:
Spring 1:
- Explore 3 D shape and patterns
- Tell the time o’clock and half past
- Exploring calculation strategies within 20: Represent and use number bonds; use concrete and pictorial representation to solve one-step problems.
- Numbers to 50: Count, read, write, identify, represent in numerals and words; recognise place value.
Spring 2:
- Addition and subtraction within 20: Comparison and difference. Represent and use number bonds; read, write, interpret and solve one-step problems.
- Fractions: Recognise, find and name a half and a quarter as one of two or four equal parts respectively.
- Measures: Length and mass.
- Compare, describe, measure, record and solve practical problems.
Music – As musicians we will:
- To listen and appraise to a piece of music and perform it with instruments.
- To study a wide range of musical genres.
- To understand the dynamics and structure of a song.
PE – As athletes we will:
- Be able to follow instructions.
- Be aware of health and safety.
- Understand why we need to warm up and cool down.
- Safely use a variety of apparatus.
R.E. – As theologians we will
- Be able to talk about our families and celebrations.
- Begin to retell the religious Bible stories through art work, drama and writing.
- Recognise religious celebrations such as Baptism and the signs and symbols that go with this special event.
- Recognise some signs and symbols of Lent and Easter and use some religious words.
- Recognise some ways in which we can look after God’s family.
- Recognise some ways in which we as Christians prepare for Easter.
- Be able to talk about Jesus’ death.
- Be able to talk about Holy Week and Easter and how it makes us feel.
RPSHE – we will:
- Discuss what makes us healthy.
- How to play with others.
- How to act when people need help.
- Be aware of people that can help us.
- Try out best to be kind and caring to others.
Science – As scientists we will:
- Identify the different groups of animals.
- Identify the animals that are carnivores,
herbivores and omnivores.
- Know which animals we keep as pets.
- Identify, draw and label the human body.
- Link the senses to the body parts.