Year 4
Miss Hall, Mrs Scholey & Mrs Irving
Art - As artists we we will :
- To develop drawing skills using different media.
- To explore and respond to the work of John Brunsdon.
- To create a final piece of work.
Computing – We will :
- Consider our online profile and how to keep safe online.
- Consider the effects of plagiarism.
- Identify the positive and negative influences of technology on health.
- Learn how to search effectively.
Design Technology – As designers we will:
- Evaluate existing products for their audience and purpose.
- Create a range of different switches.
- Learn how to create simple circuits and be able to find faults in them.
- Create our own plan for a product with an intended purpose and audience.
- Create our own illuminated sign.
English – As writers and communicators we will :
- Base our writing around ‘Varjak Paw’ and ‘Children of Winter.’
- Write for a range of purposes and audiences.
- Write in the role of a character, inferring their thoughts and feelings using evidence from the text.
- Write a setting description using what we have learnt in the book.
- Be able to answer comprehension questions about the books.
- Gather facts and information and use these to create a non-chronological
- Empathise with the different characters we come across.
- Recap on the fundamental skills of writing such as punctuation, capital letters and word classes.
French – As linguists we will :
- Count from 1 to 40 and complete simple calculations.
- Say the months of the year and when our birthdays are.
- Discuss our families, what they look like and how they act.
Geography - As geographers we will :
- Learn where the UK is located in the world.
- Be able to name some of the countries and cities in the UK.
- Locate key features in the UK such as hills and rivers.
- Explore and research how the UK has developed over time.
- Be able to use maps, recognising map symbols.
History - As historians we will :
- Explain how the Anglo Saxons came to settle in Britain.
- To know how the Anglo Saxons ruled and worshipped.
- To know how Christianity grew in Britain and how it became Roman Catholic.
Mathematics – As Mathematicians we will :
- Revise our basic skills and place value; focusing on 4-digit numbers. Problem solving will be ongoing.
- Revise all four operations and be able to add and subtract 4-digit numbers.
- Revise all four operations and solve problems involving measure (e.g. length, mass, volume, money) using decimal notation including scaling.
- Revise our times tables; this will be a focus throughout the year.
- Interpret and present data.
Music – We will:
- Demonstrate an understanding and
appropriate use of musical language.
- Identify and describe feelings as they relate to music.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the musical style and a broader understanding of the cultural and historical connections of the music.
PE – As athletes we will :
- Learn the key components of gymnastics.
- Create and perform our own gymnastic routines.
- Learn the rules and skills needed for tag rugby.
R.E. – As theologians we will :
- Focus on the Biblical figures Abraham, Moses, David, Joseph and Jonah.
- Explore the importance of the Bible, how it is divided into Testaments and the different types of writing it contains.
- Discuss how the meanings of different Bible stories can form beliefs for Christians.
- Explore what trust is and what it means to us.
- Look at how we can trust in God and why this can sometimes be a hard thing to do, making links to Mary and Joseph and the Christmas story.
RPSHE – we will:
- Explore self-esteem through recognising our personal qualities and individuality.
- Look at setting goals for ourselves and how we can achieve these.
- Learn strategies to help us manage when there are set-backs .
- Explore different behaviours and how to respond to them.
- Learn about the relationship between rights and responsibilities.
Science – As scientists we will :
- Identify and locate the main organs of the human digestive system.
- To explain how the human digestive system works.
- To identify the different types of human teeth and explain their functions.
- Explain the structure of a tooth.
- Explain how we can look after our teeth.
- Interpret food chains and explain what they show.
- Construct food chains, identifying the producers, predators and prey.