Year 5
Mrs Weeks & Miss Wilkinson
Art and Design – As artists we will:
- Develop painting techniques using different types of paint and implements.
- Explore the work of artists: Derain and Matisse.
- Explore Fauvism.
- Explore the artwork of Chris Ofili.
- Explore layering techniques.
- Apply painting skills and techniques to our own portraits.
Computing – We will…
- Explore spreadsheets by creating, debugging and analyzing them.
- Explore databases by inputting and analysing data.
Design Technology – As designers we will:
- Be looking at electrical circuits with more complex switches and circuits (including programming, monitoring and control).
English – As writers and communicators we will:
- Explore the novel ‘Street Child’.
- Write character and setting descriptions.
- Write a narrative to retell the story.
- Have debates to inform a persuasive text.
French - As linguists we will:
- Describe our route to school.
- Describe the features of the beach.
Geography – As geographers we will:
- Know and can describe the effect of biomes and climate zones on settlements and land use.
- Know and understand how food production is influenced by biomes and climate.
- Know foods that are transported across the globe.
- Know and understand the different climate zones and biomes of the world.
- Know and understand how climate and vegetation are connected in biomes.
History – As historians we will:
- Know about the battle to become king in 1066.
- Know about the life and death of Thomas Beckett.
- Know about Richard the first and his brother John.
- Know that Henry VIII reformed the church.
- Know about the monarchs who succeeded King Henry VIII.
Mathematics – As mathematicians we will:
- Be continuing to use different methods for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. We will also be revising our basic skills and place value. Problem solving will be ongoing throughout the term.
- Identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction.
- Read, write, order and round decimals.
- Compare fractions (including improper fractions and mixed numbers).
- Calculate fractions of amounts.
- Add, subtract and multiply fractions.
- Explore equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Write coordinates in all four quadrants.
- Translate and reflect shapes.
Music : As musicians we will:
- Explore how music makes the world a better place.
- Look at how music teaches us about our community.
- Learn the songs ‘Freedom is coming’, ‘All over again’, ‘Heroes and happy to be me’ and ‘Do you ever wonder?’
P.E. – As athletes we will:
- Develop our balance, coordination, agility and stamina.
- We be developing our throwing, catching and teamwork skills through dodgeball.
- On Fridays, we will also be going to Batley Sports & Tennis Centre for swimming lessons.
PSHE: As caring citizens we will:
- Explore the meaning of cyber-crime and crime prevention.
- Learn how to help in an accident or emergency.
- Learn basic first aid.
Reading / Comprehension :
- To read and search text precisely to locate evidence.
- To select detail to answer specific questions.
- To draw evidence from specific parts of the story ’Street Child’.
- To clarify what certain words mean using their root words, the context and dictionaries.
- To be able to recognise the impact of certain words.
R.E. – As theologians we will:
Inspirational People :
- Reflect on what it means to be an inspirational person.
- Reflect on what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
- Know the story of a person who showed great love for others.
- Know how Jesus described a true disciple.
- Reflect on the life of a person who showed great love for those rejected by society.
Reconciliation :
- Understand the sacrament of reconciliation.
- Reflect on wrong choices.
- Reflect on the consequences of our actions.
- Know than sin hurts us, others and our relationships with God.
- Know and understand the story of ‘The Lost Son’.
- Understand that God loves us and forgives us if we are truly
Science – As scientists we will study materials and their properties where we will:
- Compare and group materials based on their properties.
- Discuss and explore why particular materials are used for different jobs.
- Investigate materials that can dissolve.
- Investigate reversible and irreversible materials.